The Elusive...
The Romance of American Fashion
The Dolls Themselves
Here are some of the original 90 Display Dolls! Do you have one we can add?

If you do, please let us know by using the Contact Us form on this website.

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1492 Primitive Indian
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1608 Virginia Colony
1620 Plymouth Colony
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1666 Massachusetts Bay Colony
1682 Quaker Colony
1685 Later Carolina Settlement
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1720 The Pioneer American Spirit
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1750 The Development of Culture
1760 Pre-Revolutionary Period
mouse over images for title and year
1804 Louisiana Purchase
1816 Monroe Doctrine
mouse over images for title and year
1841 Pre-Civil War Period
1864 Civil War Period
1868 Post-War Period
mouse over images for title and year
1938 Modern Miss America
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