The Elusive...
The Romance of American Fashion
The Child Dolls

Perhaps as mysterious as the Display Dolls are what are often called the Child or Children Historicals.

Unless one is found with her wrist tag, she could easily be mistaken for an Anne Shirley doll. They came in 14 inch, 18 inch and 21 inch sizes and were marketed – oddly enough – as Little Lady Dolls.

But on closer inspection, one can’t help but notice that the costumes look like short versions of dresses worn by one of four of the Effanbee Historical Series Dolls. And while no advertising has been found that ties the two groups of dolls together, one look at the inside of her wrist tag reveals that there is, indeed, a connection!

Inside each tag is drawing of the replica doll and a notation of the year that she represents – a perfect match to the replica set. The drawings though are slightly different from those in the 32-page booklets.


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