The Elusive...
The Romance of American Fashion
Postcards and Booklets

Both the Display Set Dolls and the replicas came with a tri-fold card that outlined the background of the Historical Series and provided a short history relevant to the individual doll it came with. The card also has a drawing of the Trylon and the Perishpere which were the symbols of the 1939 New York World’s Fair, which is where one set of the Originals was on display. It also offering a ‘soon to be ready’ 32-page book showing all the Effanbee Historical Dolls and the postcard that needed to be sent in to receive it.

The card refers to the book as ‘colorful’, but the only books that have surfaced are in black and white.

The back of the booklet has a place where the year the doll represents was included. This year is sometimes stamped in and sometimes it is written in pen in handwritting that looks very much like that seen on the shoes! Same person – we will likely never know.


The final page of the booklet says:

The Effanbee Historical Dolls

The dolls show in the preceding pages are true repiclas of the nationally famous exhibition series of Historical Dolls that EFFANBEE produced at a cost of over $30,000 and which are now being displayed in leading stores throughout the land to acquaint visitors with the development of American Fashions. They have attracted the attention of leading educators and have been termed a great step toward visual public education.

Like the originals on display, these replicas are faithful in every detail and are historically accurate. They have the famous EFFANBEE “satin-smooth”complexion and lifelike quality of design.


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